5 tips for success from Amancio Ortega

Probably, in the modern world, it is hard to find a girl who would not know about such a clothing brand as ZARA.

However, it is even harder to find a person who understands whose shoulders are the care of such a popular and unique brand. Covadonga O’Shea and her book “The ZARA Phenomenon” was for many a revelation, a find and a unique treasure trove of valuable information. What was the author’s special contribution to her writing?


How Amancio Ortega learned to make money

Amancio Ortega is the founder of the largest group of companies called “Inditex”, which includes all familiar brands Zara, Stradivarius, Bershka. Thanks to his persistence and efforts, Ortega has not only become one of the most influential businessmen in the world. Now he is a man, acquaintance with whom is considered an honor and a priceless gift because Ortega’s wisdom and love of life can charm everyone.  It is noteworthy that the public could learn about the details of Amancio’s life (today he is 81 years old) only after the book “The ZARA Phenomenon” was published. Despite his stunning commercial successes, in everyday life the billionaire is a simple and humble man, hiding from the spotlight, unnecessary questions, and speculations.

Amancio Ortega proves by his example of how much desire, perseverance, and determination mean. According to O’Shea’s book, the founder of Inditex began the struggle for a decent life at the age of 13. The proud and stubborn son of a poor Spanish railway worker, he managed to achieve in his life those successes, which many of us immodestly even dreamed about. The boy has experienced all shades of unpleasant feelings, from humiliation to the destruction of self-esteem. This is understandable because he had to do every job offered. 

Life’s challenges hardened Ortega’s character but did not spoil his good soul and subtle nature. That’s why his revelations are so valuable to each of us. Below we have gathered five simple and effective tips, remembering which can improve the surrounding reality:

1. Don’t be afraid to be “simple”

Covadonga O’Shea introduces readers to the personality of a mysterious billionaire and man of mystery from the front pages. As it turns out during the reading, Amancio is an ardent opponent of the “boss-subordinate” scheme. For him, all employees and people around him are colleagues with whom it is important to be on the same page. The boss is convinced that his success is the merit of thousands of people who sincerely give themselves to the work. Ortega does not like extra pomp and ceremonies, so he allows his colleagues to call him by his name, give advice, and correct possible mistakes. All people are equal, so no one has the right to consider themselves better and unbeatable than others.

2. Fall in love with your business

Unlike many businessmen who prefer to create a semblance of management of this or that production, Ortega is really in love with his work. For him there is no greater pleasure than to walk through the production, to study in detail every process, to communicate with employees, to choose one or another material for future clothes. Therefore, remember, the more delight and positive emotions you will receive from what you are doing, the greater will be the chance to transform reality.

3. Never be completely satisfied with what you’ve done

The wealthiest man according to Forbes, Amancio Ortega, believes that to be satisfied with yourself while doing a job is an unacceptable luxury, if not the worst mistake. An experienced manager teaches all subordinates to always strive for the best and not to stop working. Rest on our laurels and “blind optimism” will never lead you to anything significant.

4. Do everything you can to achieve your goal

Growth is a survival mechanism, and so it takes a lot of work to get to the top. Despite age, external and internal factors, it is important not to stop at obstacles, doing everything possible and impossible. During his life, Amancio Ortega has tried no activity: he washed floors and counters, sold cheap goods, communicated with clients. However, each of these activities was a small but necessary step towards becoming his strong and persistent personality. He never considered money to be his goal, so he did not worry about the opinions of others and strangers. Strive for the best, do what the moment requires, do not give up in front of fleeting obstacles, no matter how it would be desirable.

5. Appreciate your family and your personal space

As already mentioned, Amancio respects everyone around him, regardless of their status and position in the company. But the family should always deserve special attention. It is she who can be the motivator for action (as was the case with the 13-year-old Ortega) and who can make up for the lost energy. A billionaire not only protects his family and friends from unnecessary attention but always tries to spend time with them, doing simple everyday things. The stronger your bond with your family, the harder it is to defeat you.

Principality, simplicity, and modesty are the three qualities of a man with a capital letter. Ortega is an example of how little circumstances mean if the desire for change is really sincere. Remember, whatever the situation in the surrounding reality at the moment, everyone has a chance to succeed. You can get a double dose of inspiration and food for thought by reading O’Shea’s book as a whole. Don’t be afraid of your desires, take action.


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